Friday, January 30, 2015

Chirp Sound In Car Brakes

Rem Tromol MobilHaving a car that is comfortable , not only because of the condition of the interior and exterior are good . In addition, it must be supported with a comfortable machine , wrapped with a steady motion components . Sometimes , from the foot which is quite disturbing is the emergence of the sounds of braking components .
One cause of the sound
chirp it is dust and dirt in the brake pads or brake linings . When on the brakes , the dust will feel rough and make braking rang out . To get rid of these annoying noises , how it was not too difficult .
The first step , open the brake calipers first to see clearly in the side of the brake lining . Furthermore , spraying with a compressor to remove the dust on the brake .As for his own brakes , you can clean them with a brush or brake cleaner . If it is pretty thick dirt , use a mild abrasive sandpaper to erode .
It is recommended to not clean it with water or even using oil . This element is very dangerous if it gets on the brakes . Moreover, oil , brake rather than rough and tight , but it

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