Friday, February 20, 2015

Myths About Cars Tires

Many people do not understand the intricacies of treating vehicle tires . But theres also that little smartass . Therefore beredarlah myriad myths about tires .The danger , if the public believed the myth , then it will create thousands of lives in danger . So , lest we mistakenly overwrite .Here we describe a number of myths about tires and their truth or falsity of the myth : 
Tire pressure needs to be reduced when it rains : Not true .
Expected to obtain optimal traction , not a few people think to reduce the tire pressure of ideal conditions when it rains . In fact , this action would make tire treads be perfect stride to the road surface .
By the middle of the curve due to reduced pressure , the tire will be difficult to dispose of water into the side . As a result, the symptoms became easy aquaplaning occurs when the car struck a puddle of water . Moreover, the rain makes the temperature of the tires to cool . This condition makes the air pressure could drop to 1 psi .Ideally , of course the tire pressure should be kept well within the manufacturers recommendations . Thus , optimum traction will be in a variety of weather and road conditions . 

The ability on the wet track depends  on the type of tires grooves : Not entirely true.

wet track driving 
When the tire rotates , the water flow will indeed affect the effectiveness of tire throwing water to the sides . But at the moment until the tire lock braking suddenly , the groove has no effect .

Here it is the tire compound to take the role . Therefore , no matter how well the plot , if komponnya hard , the tire may be harmful in slippery road . 
The Higher tires pressure , the more easily broken : Not true.
 Tire construction is made such that the resistant up to a pressure of 40 psi . On the contrary , the pressure that is too low can make the tires become more vulnerable to rupture , because the circumstances that make the work of the tire walls more flexible and allows the wire to break up the sidewall and cause tire burst . 
The Wider of grooves, the better tires grip : Not true. 
The wider the water flow means the less rubber stuck to the road . It would be very detrimental in the current dry conditions . And most of the time we walked to the car is when dry . 
The more expensive the tire , the better the performance : In many cases , it is true.
Expensive tires in the same size and class , not without reason . It is a costly compensation of the research conducted by the manufacturer .
Based on tire testing conducted several independent agencies in the U.S. , high-priced tires tend to grip better , has lower noise , longer endurance , as well as obstacles in the lower spin . 

The thinner the tire , the more easily broken : Not necessarily.
When in normal use on the road smooth , thin profile tires can actually extend shelf life . This is because a high grip tread tires so infrequently shifted to the asphalt .But if the tires hit the road frequently damaged , thin profile tires will accelerate the damage to the tires , or even wheels . 
Spooring Worn-out tire : True.

HeadlineIn fact this is one of the toughest factors that affect tire wear . Spooring are not really going to make a tire run out quickly and unevenly .Therefore, it is recommended you do spooring every 10,000 miles or when there are other symptoms that felt like throwing the steering wheel in one direction or tire squeal when turning broken . 
Dirty more easily deflated tire : True.
HeadlineWhen dry roads , dust or mud may just be outside tire . But once it rains, the water will make it easier to infiltrate into the dirt between the tire and rim . It can cause a flat tire slowly .

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